
桂木 理沙 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2009CJK中日韓移動互聯網高峰論壇主會議議程CJK Joint Conference 2009 Korea(Building pan Asia Mobile 3G market with CJK Cooperation)
主會議日程表 Main Conference Program Date : 12th November 2009Place : Lotte Hotel Seoul 3F Sapphire Ballroom Session主題 Time時間 Agenda日程 Speaker演講者 Translation語言 Participant參與者
報到Registration 09:00-09:30 Registration N/A 中日韓三國成員CJK members
開幕式Welcoming Address 09:30~10:00 Opening Remarks Kyung-Sun Kim / Chair of MOIBA 韓-中-日文Korean->Chinese & Japanese
Congratulatory Address S.J. Choi / Chairman(Minister) of Korea Communications Commission
移動互聯網長城會會長 劉斌Mr.Bin Liu / President of GWC 中國移動通信聯合會祕書長 倪建中 Mr JianZhong NI / General Secretary / CMCA
TBD / Japan Government Official or MCF Chair
中日韓移動市場趨勢Mobile market hot trends in CJK 10:00~10:40 Mobile Market trends and Killer App analysis in china TD-SCDMA 論壇主席 周寰 Mr Huan ZHOU / President of TD-SCDMA Forum 移動互聯網長城會會長 劉斌 Mr Bin Liu / President of GWC 中Chinese->韓Korean->日Japanese
Chinese mobile market status
Chinese mobile killer App. Analysis
Oversees mobile company's Service & contents launching process in China
10:40~11:20 Mobile Market trends and Killer App analysis in Japan 日本MCF國際商務主席 KOJI ITO Chair of International Business /Japan Moblie Content Forum 日Japanese->韓Korean->中Chinese
Japan mobile market status
Japan mobile killer App. Analysis
Oversees mobile company's Service & contents launching process in Japan
11:20~12:00 Mobile Market trends and Killer App analysis in Korea 韓國通信委KCC 韓Korean->中Chinese & 日Japanese
Korean mobile market status
Korean mobile killer App. Analysis
Oversees mobile company's Service & contents launching process in Korea
12:00~13:00 Lunch
中日最受懽迎的移動應用Insight of mobile Killer Application in China & Japan 13:00~13:45 Case Study of Chinese mobile killer Application. 中Chinese->韓Korean->日Japanese
The Case Study of Chinese Mobile Internet Potal 3G門戶 CEO 張向東 Mr XiangdongZhang/ Ceo of 3G.CN
The Case Study of Chinese Mobile Serrch engine Service
GMIC2010 Global Mobile Internet Conference (P.T.) 移動互聯網長城會祕書長 文廚 Mr WenChu Secretary General of GWC
13:45~14:30 Case Study of Japanese mobile killer Application. 日Japanese->韓Korean->中Chinese
Case Study 1 TBD / China Company #1
Case Study 2 TBD / China Company #2
Case Study 3 TBD / China Company #3
- Q & A
3G移動應用和商業模型Mobile 3G Killer App & Business Model 14:30~15:00 Handset & platform(O/S) developing trends in global mobile market 韓國三星電子 Han-Gil Yoon / an executive director of Samsung Electronics N/A Domestic audience(CJK Members attend Business meeting)
feature phone Vs smart phone
mobile platform developing trends
Best Practice : Limo phone in Europe
15:00~15:30 Mobile convergence service developing strategy 韓國電信 Tae-Suk Ha / Head of Service & infrastructure Laboratory, KT
Convergence service killer App. analysis
Best Practice : QOOK
15:30~16:00 COFFEE BREAK
16:00~16:30 Global standardization trends of Mobile solution and application. 韓國移動互聯網解決方案協會 K.R. Hyun / Vice chair of KWISA ISWG and Innoace
standardization activity of OMA(Open Mobile Alliance)
Standardization trends of the next generation's killer solution & application.
Global mobile standardization activity of Korean venture company
16:30~17:00 Mobile web market and technology trends analysis 韓國LG集團 Joon-Soon Cho / Vice President, Head of Service Technology Division, Handset and Data Business Department, LGT
Full Browsing. Widget, Mashup service trends
Best Practice : OZ
17:00~17:30 Mobile SNS market and technology trends analysis Hyung-Cheol Ju / Ceo of SK Communications
SNS Service trends
SNS Business model analysis
Best practice : Twitter & cyworld
17:30~18:00 Mobile game market and technology trends analysis JI-young Park / Ceo of Com2us
Mobile game trends
Global mobile market place and contents distribution strategy
Closing 18:00 Closing
中國China 韓國Korea 日本Japan
工信部侷長(待定)TBD / Minister/Director / MIIT
TD-SCDMA 論壇主席 周寰Mr HUANZHOU / Chairman / TD Alliance(TD FORUM)

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